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DEP3053: Developmental Psychology

Course Description:


"Students gain an understanding of the forces that shape human development across the lifespan.  A particular emphasis is placed on the interplay of biological, psychological and contextual factors in shaping development over time."

PCO4113: Positive Psychology


Course Description:

"The purpose of this course is to examine the fundamentals of positive psychology. The course begins with an exploration of the history of positive psychology and its basic tenets. Then goes on to explore a wide range of topics that relate to happiness and well-being, including positive relationships, positive thinking, life meaning, religion/spirituality, gratitude, altruism, career development, and character strengths."

SOP3004: Social Psychology

Course Description:

"Social psychology is the scientific study of the ways in which thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others."

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