Project | 01
Project | 01 Hair/Professionalism IAT Study
"In this study, we were interested in learning about the extent to which varying the content of an Implicit Association Test (IAT) to be about attitudes toward hairstyles in general (Hairstyle is Professional/Unprofessional) predict behavioral outcomes related to perceived professionalism in the workplace. To test this, participants completed either an ‘Afrocentric Hairstyle + Professional/Unprofessional’ IAT or a ‘Eurocentric Hairstyle + Professional/Unprofessional’ IAT. Participants also answered some questions related to professional behaviors. Their automatic attitudes were measured during the sorting task, which is called the IAT."

Project | 02
Project | 02 Pokemon Study
"At the beginning of this study, participants were told the purpose of this research was to examine factors that influence human memory and cognition. Participants were also told the purpose of the security guard task was to study attention and rapid-responding. However, these descriptions did not fully describe the purpose of the study or the security guard task. During the security guard task, we paired certain Pokemon with either positive or negative stimuli. Later in the study, participants were asked to report what Pokemon they liked. The full purpose of these tasks was to see if pairing certain Pokemon with positive or negative stimuli influenced how much they liked them; in our research, we call this evaluative priming."

Project | 03
Project | 03 Social Media Attitudes Study
"There have been countless amounts of research suggesting that social media usage is linked to poor mental health, however, there is little research suggesting why that is. The central aim of this study was to uncover how the social media app, Instagram, affects anxiety and mood. We were specifically interested in whether or not scrolling through appearance-focused Instagram accounts on one’s feed, including beauty blogging accounts, model accounts, and fitness accounts, led to more negative moods and higher anxiety levels."

Project | 04
Project | 04 Parsing Study
"Participants took part in a study that involved several questionnaires and a math test. The participants answered some questions about how they described themselves, and then computed some math problems. The purpose of this study was to investigate the reasons people might avoid information. To draw conclusions, we combined the data collected from participants. Results were anonymous as we are not interested in individual responses but rather the combined response of all the participants in the study."